IPAR Learning Objectives for Professional Paper V2

Professional Paper Learning Objectives Rubric Each Primary Professor for Professional Paper should complete this rubric at the end of MPH 6992 for each of their professional paper students and submit to Rashmita Basu electronically (basur19@ecu.edu). These data will be used as part of IPAR reporting for the ECU MPH program.

MPH 6992 Section Number: _____________ Semester/Year: ____________________________

Total number of MPH 6992 students completing this semester in your section: ____________________________

Student number within your section (Number your students from 1 to number of completing students in your section): __________

Please score each learning objective as Poor (=1), Acceptable (=2), Good (=3), Excellent (=4) or Not Applicable (NA). For each learning objective, please comment on the quality of the student’s performance, difficulties they had, and what you think might have helped this student perform better. The criteria for success for each of the learning objective is for 80% of all MPH 6992 students to score 3 or higher.

The criteria for success for each of the learning objective is for 80% of all MPH 6992 students to score 3 or higher.

Learning objective: CEPH Foundational Competency #7, Assess population needs, assets and capacities that affect communities’ health.Section of professional paper being evaluated: Introduction

Poor (score=1)Acceptable (score=2)Good (score=3)Excellent (score=4)Score
Literature review not adequately comprehensive with at least 10 peer-reviewed references.Adequate literature review and information is summarized adequately.Literature review is complete, no use of secondary references, and background information is well summarized.Professional quality introduction which demonstrates knowledge and understanding of the published literature on the topic and how it relates to a public health problem, including population needs, assets, and capacities.

Comments about areas in which the student had difficulties and what might have helped them:


Learning objective: CEPH Foundational Competency #3, Analyze quantitative and/or qualitative data using biostatistics, informatics, computer-based programming and software, as appropriate.
Sections of professional paper being evaluated: Methods and Results

Poor (score=1)Acceptable (score=2)Good (score=3)Excellent (score=4)Score
Inappropriate methods selected.Appropriate methods selected but not implemented in a thorough and complete manner.Appropriate methods selected and implemented correctly; results presented in text, tables and/or charts are generally clear.Professional quality methods and results, which demonstrate a clear understanding, implementation, and linkage throughout the research process.

Comments about areas in which the student had difficulties and what might have helped them:


Learning objective: CEPH Foundational Competency #4, Interpret results of data analysis for public health research, policy or practice sections of professional paper being evaluated: Discussion

Poor (score=1)Acceptable (score=2)Good (score=3)Excellent (score=4)Score
Interpretation of results inadequate or under- developed.Acceptable interpretation of results with limited comparisons to previously published results and/or inadequate discussion of public health implications.Good interpretation of results with comparisons to some previously published results, presents some of the study limitations, and adequate interpretation of public health implications.Professional quality discussion section, which demonstrates an excellent grasp and understanding of results and their limitations, how the results add to the current body of scientific knowledge, and how the results can be used to further public health research, policy, or practice.

Comments about areas in which the student had difficulties and what might have helped them:


Learning objective: CEPH Foundational Competency #19: Communicate audience-appropriate public health content, both in writing and through oral presentation
Product being evaluated: Writing quality of the professional paper, and Oral presentation of the professional paper project at the poster presentation session

ProductPoor (score=1)Acceptable (score=2)Good (score=3)Excellent (score=4)Score
Writing quality of
the professional
Poor writing style with
grammatical and/or
typographical errors,
poor organization of the
sections, many
sentences unclear
Acceptable writing, clarity, and organization but not written in a succinct scientific style and/or had
unacceptable grammatical
or typographical errors.
Overall well written but
had some problems
with organization,
clarity, grammar, or
Professional quality introduction which demonstrates knowledge and understanding of the published literature on the topic and how it relates to a public health problem, including population needs, assets, and capacities.
Oral presentation
at poster session
(2 minute
summary of
project told to
Had difficulty clearly
stating the purpose of
the professional paper
project and describing
how it was
Able to provide complete
description of the study but
in a manner that was
difficult for guests to
Able to provide
complete description of
the study that was easy
for guests to understand
but lacked command of
the topic and/or
Clearly articulated all of the
following in a manner that was
understood by guests and
demonstrated command of and
enthusiasm for the subject:
purpose of the project, methods
used, results found and their
limitations, and implications for
public health.

Comments about areas in which the student had difficulties and what might have helped them:


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