Dr. Sousan publishes a new interdisciplinary article in the Journal of Environmental Pollution

Dr. Sousan, Dr. Iverson, and Dr. Humphrey have published a paper titled “High-frequency assessment of air and water quality at a concentration animal feeding operation during wastewater application to spray fields” in the journal of Environmental Pollution. The work was performed with Public Health and Health Education and Promotion graduate students Ashley Lewis and Dillon Streuber. This work is one of the first to evaluate PM2.5 and water quality on a confined animal feeding operation that uses a capped lagoon. Environmental Pollution has a Clarivate analytics Impact Factor of 8.071 and a Scimago h-index of 227. The full article can be accessed and shared at the following link: https://authors.elsevier.com/a/1dQw4_68YM3Rm7